You're Not Lazy, You're Just Not in Tune with Your Teeth - shopstimmie

You're Not Lazy, You're Just Not in Tune with Your Teeth

Written In Collaboration WithDR. ROB EISEN, DDS

Image c/o @maximiestein

"Don't wait for something to hurt" is basically our unofficial motto—especially when it comes to your teeth. Usually, when there's pain in your teeth, the problem is likely a bigger fix than anticipated. So now you're stuck wasting time and money fixing something in your mouth that was totally preventable....

Are we skipping out on prevention on purpose, or is it that people are lazy?

Are we just lazy? Well...not really. Many people believe in their own motto of "my teeth don't bother me so I only go to the dentist once something hurts."

"People waiting for pain to trigger a reaction to come visit the dentist is part of what keeps Dentists in business; but it's never the goal. Our core values start and end with helping people keep their teeth for a lifetime. We can help people long-term through prevention and treating problems early on, before pain. Before pain means before bigger problems.That's key!"–– Eisen

Dr. Rob Eisen weighs in with his best tips for saving time and money in the dental chair, and saving you and your smile from lingering problems that could have likely been detected early.

Our teeth, unlike other parts of our body, can endure a lot before showing signs of distress. "Teeth are resilient"––Eisen shares. This can lead to a false sense of security. We brush our teeth daily and might even floss occasionally, but unless there's an immediate issue, it's easy to push dental care to the back of our minds.

Issues like cavities, gum disease, and enamel erosion develop gradually, often without causing pain or discomfort until they reach an advanced stage. By then, what could have been a simple preventative measure or minor treatment can escalate into more complicated, invasive, and costly procedures.

Let’s consider the scenario of gum disease. In its early stages, it might only present as minor gum irritation or bleeding while brushing. These symptoms are easy to ignore or dismiss. But as the disease progresses, it can lead to serious problems like tooth loss and severe infections. By the time you feel pain, the disease has already caused significant damage, like bone loss. 

The same goes for cavities. Early cavities can often be treated with simple, shallow fillings. But if left unchecked, they can grow, leading to root canals or even extractions. And we all know how unpleasant and expensive these procedures can be.

So, what can you do to stay in tune with your teeth?

  1. Daily Care: Brushing twice a day and flossing daily are fundamental steps that can prevent many common dental problems. If you're not keen on floss,  even more reason to stick to a tight check-up routine. Just ask Jennifer Nguyen, (staff writer at girlboss).
  2. Regular Check-Ups: Visiting your dentist every six months can catch problems early before they develop into painful and costly issues. The girlboss writer shares her experience with us after taking a short hiateous from her regular routine. 
  3. Listen to Your Mouth: Pay attention to any changes in your mouth, even if they seem minor. Bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, and sensitivity can all be early warning signs that something is brewing.
  4. Ask For A Demo: Level up your prevention and ask your hygienist to physically show you how to use products. Sometimes products get tossed into a goodie bag with zero demonstration. Advocate for instruction! You might actually enjoy using something else that could be effective for you.

It’s not laziness; it’s simply that our teeth often don't demand our attention until there's pain. But here's the crucial storyline we need to understand: by the time there's pain, the problem is usually much bigger and harder to treat—and sometimes, even harder to reverse.

Sometimes you don’t need a complicated routine, just a different one. Even if it means a "lazy-girl-routine" done on the couch or laying in bed binge watching Love Island.

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The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice and in-person consultation. It is provided with the understanding that STIM MIE INC. ("Stimmie") is not engaged in the provision or rendering of dental advice or services. Although monitored and written in collaboration with licensed dental professionals, the opinions and content included in these articles are general and not patient-specific. You understand and agree that Stimmie shall not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon, any content or information in our written materials.

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